An introduction to the materials and processes that inform our spatial experience through the investigation of interdisciplinary techniques and methods of making. Analyze appropriate scalar shifts and material constructs within a conceptual model through a series of model making explorations and understanding of model making explorations, material representation, and fabrication techniques.




Save My Night - Reinvent the Switch

Magnets will become a switch to light up this to-do board. LED strips inside the board will light up until you remove your notes - helps your time management at Art Center.




Interactive Bus Stop


Fosters the relationship and connection between people using the Metro System through digital interaction at a bus stop. Patrons on the bus and those waiting at the bus stop can share notes and doodles via LED panels on windows, providing a resolution to the anonymity of the Metro System. 

/ Materials: Acrylic Boards

/ Date of Completion: November 2011

/ Scale: 1½"=1'-0"





Linus Bikes - Vertical Cafe & Transit Hub


In Los Angeles, a city built on car culture, Linus Bikes and the Silver Lake community have formed a partnership to be promote alternate modes of transportation and promote a healthier urban lifestyle. This two-part project is composed of a sustainable bike cafe and alternative transportation hub where visitors and residents alike can learn about bicycle maintenance, and the bike culture of Los Angeles. 

/ Date of Completion: April 2013




Desert Lounge


Architectural design of rooftop lounge for a building in Dubai.


/ Materials: Yellow Foam, White Foam core, Acrylic Sheets

/ Date of Completion: June 2012

/ Scale: 20:1


Final concept is a lounge that brings a cooling sensation similar to an oasis despite its location in Dubai.


model making process


final model




Collaborated creation of DTLA Volume model


Team: Marie Stargala, Rachel Moore, Harrison Byars, Michael Yanchar, Hayley Chung, Jieun Kang, Shark Ma, Alex Chung

/ Date of Completion: Spring 2013




Paper Modeling - House


A design experience in architectural space by creating a 3D paper model of the interior of a mansion.


/ Material: Paper

/ Date of Completion: August 2011

/ Scale: 1/2"=1'-0"




iCing Popup Store



Date of Completion: March 2014





Recreating the shape of the spoon to achieve a unique design inspired from a handle of a tea cup.


/ Material: Woods

/ Date of Completion: May 2011






To propose an environmentally sound bridge that is made of natural resources, flexible in shaped and size, eliminating the need for electricity.


/ Materials: White Acrylic Sheets, Vellum Paper

/ Date of Completion: July 2012

/ Scale: 866:1


@ Hayley Chung
 All rights reserved